Treatment outcomes of 213 breast cancer patients after sentinel lymph node biopsy – single center experience
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Submission date: 2017-07-03
Final revision date: 2017-08-11
Acceptance date: 2017-09-18
Publication date: 2017-10-20
Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2017;2(1):130-134
Introduction: The article presents the results of the management of patients with breast cancer treated in the Holycross Cancer Centre during the period 2008–2012. In all the patients, invasive breast cancer clinically node negative was diagnosed and multidisciplinary treatment with sentinel node biopsy was applied.
Material and methods: The study included a group of 213 women who had previously undergone surgery, breast-conserving and/or mastectomy. In 206 patients, the sentinel lymph node was identified. Due to metastasis to the sentinel lymph node in 32 patients axillary lymphadenectomy was performed and additionally in 7 patients due to the failure of sentinel lymph node identification. Due to the higher tumor burden 10 patients were subjected to more extensive surgical treatment – mastectomy. After surgical treatment the patients were qualified for adjuvant therapy. The mean time of observation of patients after treatment was 61 months.
Results: Relapse of the disease was noted in 7 patients, 5 patients died (4 patients due to the spread of the disease, 1 due to the second carcinoma – gastric cancer). Recurrence in the axillary region was observed in 1 patient, metastases to the lungs – in 1 patient, metastases to the liver – in 1, metastases to the ovary - in 1, and in 3 patients metastases to the bones. Based on analysis of the Kaplan-Meier estimator of the survival function, it was found that the probability of survival for 5 years without symptoms of the disease was 96.2%, whereas the probability of overall 5-year survival was 96.4%.
Conclusions: The outcome of patients after sentinel lymph node biopsy was excellent. In breast cancer patients sentinel lymph node biopsy is safe and effective.
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