Prognostic significance of the tumor-stroma ratio in colon carcinoma: a retrospective study
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Submission date: 2018-09-08
Acceptance date: 2018-11-18
Publication date: 2018-12-28
Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2018;3(1):190-194
Despite developments enabling early diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer, cancer-related morbidity and mortality remain a major public health problem. Studies have identified numerous factors associated with survival in colorectal carcinoma patients. Tumor-stroma ratio (TSR) in colon cancer: the TSR refers to the proportion of carcinoma relative to the proportion of tumor stroma in a histopathological tumor specimen. Previous studies showed that the TSR was an important prognostic indicator in many solid tumors and that a high TSR was a determinant of a poor outcome in colon cancer. We aimed to evaluate the prognostic importance of the TSR in colon cancer and its relationship with other prognostic factors to determine its utility in planning treatment of colon cancer.

Material and methods:
Ninety-six patients diagnosed with adenocarcinomas were included in the study. The amount of tumor and stroma in tumor areas was determined and the TSR was calculated.

There was a significant correlation between the TSR and sex, tumor diameter, tumor extended, lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion, and lymph node involvement.

Tumor-stroma ratio is a poor prognostic parameter which is associated with prognostic factors and should be recorded in the surgical pathology report. Especially in stage II patients, it should be considered as one of the risk factors for making chemotherapy decisions.
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